Purpose, Aims & Methods

Compiled by R. Gary Hendra, SM Troop 92, Milpitas, California

Purpose of The Boy Scouts Of America

It is the purpose of the Boy Scouts Of America to provide an effective program designed to instill within the youth desirable qualities of character, to train them in the responsibilities of participating citizenship, to help develop their personal fitness, and provide this country with citizens who:

1. Are physically, mentally and emotionally fit.
2. Have a high degree of self-reliance as evidence in such qualities as initiative, courage and resourcefulness.
3. Have personal and stable values firmly based on religious concepts.
4. Have the desire and skills to help others.
5. Understand the principles of the American social, economic, and government systems.
6. Are knowledgeable about and take pride in their American heritage and understand America's role in the world.
7. Have a keen respect for the basic rights of all people.
8. Are prepared to fulfill the varied responsibilities of participating in and giving leadership to American society and in other forums of the world.

Boy Scouts of America Mission Statement

It is the mission of the Boy Scouts Of America to serve others by helping to instill values in young people and, in other ways, to prepare them to make ethical choices during their lifetime in achieving their full potential. The values we strive to instill are based on those found in the Scout Oath and Law.

The Scout Oath Or Promise

On my honor I will do my best

To do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law;

To help other people at all times;

To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight.


The Scout Law:
A Scout is: Trustworthy

Scout Motto
Be Prepared

Scout Slogan
Do a Good Turn Daily



Aims and Methods of the Boy Scout Program

Boy Scouting works toward three aims. One is growth in moral strength and character. We may define this as what the boy is himself: his personal qualities, his values, his outlook.

A second aim is participating citizenship. Used broadly, citizenship means the boy's relationship to others. He comes to learn of his obligations to other people, to the society he lives, to the government that presides over that society.

A third aim of Boy Scouting is development of physical, mental, and emotional fitness. Fitness includes the body (well-tuned and healthy), the mind (able to think and solve problems), and emotions (self control, courage and self-respect).

The methods are designed to accomplish these aims.

The Methods of Scouting
Advancement- Scouting provides a series of surmountable obstacles and steps to overcome them through the advancement process. The scout plans his advancement and progresses at his own pace as he overcomes each challenge.

Adult Association- Boys learn from the examples set by their adult leaders. Troop leadership may be male or female and association with adults of high character is encouraged at this stage in a young man's development.

Personal Growth- As scouts plan their activity, and progress toward their goals, they experience personal growth. The good turn concept is a major part of the personal growth method of Scouting. Boys grow as they participate in community service projects and do good turns for others.

Ideals- The Ideals of scouting are spelled out in the Scout Oath, Law, Motto and Slogan. The Scout measures himself against these ideals and continually tries to improve. The goals are high, and as he reaches for them, he has some control over what he becomes.

Patrols- The patrol method gives Scouts an experience in group living and participating in citizenship. It places a certain amount of responsibility on young shoulders and teaches boys how to accept it. The patrol method allows Scouts to act in small groups where they can easily relate to each other. These small groups determine troop activities through their elected leaders.

Outdoors- Boy Scouting is designed to take place in the outdoors. It is in the outdoors that Scouts share responsibilities and learn to live with each other. It is here where the skills and activities practiced at troop meetings come alive.

Leadership Development- Boy Scouting encourages boys to learn and practice leadership skills. Every Scout has the opportunity to participate in both shared and total leadership situations. Understanding the concepts of leadership helps a boy accept the leadership roles of others and guides him toward the citizenship aim of Scouting.

Uniform- The uniform makes the Scout troop visible as a force of good and creates a positive youth image in the community. Boy Scouting is an action program, and wearing the uniform is an action that shows each Scout's commitment to the aims and purposes of Scouting. The uniform gives the Scout identity in a world brotherhood of youth who believe in the same ideals.


You may contact the Troop by emailing us at Troop99McKinleyville@gmail.com
or by mail at PO Box 2191, McKinleyville, CA 95519 


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